Saturday, September 29, 2007

Lab 3

I've posted a picture of my lab three beginnings. I'm not quite done with playing around using the photosensor, but this picture shows the basic elements of the voltage divider circuit as an analog input to the arduino microcontroller. My goal is to build a circuit with multiple LEDs that light up like a meter depending on the voltage that is sent to the arduino. I'm going to see what I can come up with and I'll report back with my findings. As discussed in class, I think I'm going to start by using a potentiometer as my voltage divider to the arduino, and then write or tailor an existing sketch to light up multiple LEDs depending on that analog input.

On another note, I found a cool website for voltage divider calculators and other types of electronics calculators here:

Lab 2

So I'm a little bit late with posting this journal entry for my Lab 2, as I currently work on my lab 3. This post will be pretty rudimentary: I'm just using a switch to flip between each LED on the breadboard. However, I will use switches later in my more complex experiments. If I made a sequencer out of LEDs, I wonder if I could use a switch to flip between different sequence patterns. I have to think about this a bit more, but in order to accomplish something like that I would need to use a dpdt switch rather than an spdt switch. Anyways, here's a video of the early stages...

The New and improved BLOG!

so I decided to change my blog location to the google-run Blogger. This sight seems more organized and I was having a lot of problems on the NYU blog spot regarding my posts not actually getting published. Within the next couple of days I will be uploading my previous journal entries from my old blog and perhaps I will add some new posts as well.